Helper Functions

We have written a few helper functions to aid in parallelizing the creation of one or more of the sketches. The functions will spin up multiple independent workers, each of which has its own sketch(s) to add its portion of the data to be processed. Once all the data has been processed, then the individual sketches will be merged efficiently in successive rounds of merging to achieve the final sketch for each type.

The main helper function, parallel_add, can add the data to one or more of the sketches at the same time. You just need to specify one or more of cms_args, hh_args, or hll_args, which provide the necessary parameters to initialize the respective sketch(es). Simply leave one or two as the default None if you don’t want that type of sketch.

The parallel_add function takes a user-defined function, process_q_item. This function will take an item from the queue, process it as desired, and then add the keys to the sketch(es). The function must take the following arguments (q_item, *sketches, **kwargs) and return the number of records that were processed. If you want to add to more than one sketch, then those must be listed in alphabetical order since that is how parallel_add will pass them.

When using parallel_add, the sketches are placed into shared memory to allow the spawned processes to access the sketches during data processing. The subsequent call to parallel_merge also leverages the shared memory in order to combine the parallel sketches into a single final sketch which is what gets returned.


Let’s assume that we have a bunch of text files in a directory. Each line in a file represents a single record. Each line (record) will be split by white space which will then be added to the sketches. Remember that only bytes can be added to a sketch, hence the w.encode('utf-8').

from collections import Counter
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from sketchnu.helpers import parallel_add

    format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
input_dir = Path('/path/to/text/files')
files = input_dir.iterdir()

# User defined function
# Likely faster to combine keys across records to add to the sketches all together
def process_q_item(filepath:str, cms, hh, hll, lowercase:bool=False) -> int:
    with open(filepath) as f:
        n_records = 0
        counter = Counter()
        for line in f:
            if lowercase:
                words = line.strip().lower().split()
                words = line.strip().split()
            counter.update([w.encode("utf-8") for w in words])
            n_records += 1
    return n_records

cms_args = {"cms_type": "linear", "width": 2**20}
hh_args = {"width": 50, "max_key_len": 16}
hll_args = {"p": 16}

cms, hh, hll = parallel_add(

# To see total number of elements added
print(f'A total of {cms.n_added():,} elements have been added')
# To see total number of records added
print(f'{cms.n_records():,} records were processed')
# To see how many times had "the" appears in the text
print(f"'the' appears {cms['the'.encode('utf-8')]} times")
# To see how many distinct words in all the data
print(f"{hll.query():.1f} unique words")
# To see the most common word
print(f"{hh.query(1)} is the most commonly seen word")